Stitch From Stash February
Month: February
Spent: $34.67
Earned: $0
I did rather good this month thanks to my DH! I spent $1.07 on floss, $7.61 on a needle minder and $25.99 for two charts from The Frosted Pumpkin. (I received a chart and about 20 skeins of floss from DH.)
Spend $34.67
Budget $25.00
Over $9.67
Budget rollover from January $25.00
Balance $15.33
I will try to remember to take a pic of my current WIP. Normally I have a rotation that I work on a daily basis, but since I started my Mickey and Minnie hot air balloon I have been a one-at-a-timer.
As for stitching from my stash, I'm going to try to spend $0 for March!