Projects and deadlines
Sweater - I've been doing good working on the sweater (ombre yarn) until a few days ago. My daughter found a red dress for my granddaughter to wear for the wedding. The bodice is tank top style (aka no sleeves). It's actually quite difficult to find a red party dress without another color (black or white generally) that has sleeves. And yes, I'm talking about for babies. Anyway, now I'm back to square one looking for a sweater pattern, this time one with sleeves. I found one and got started. I made the back, one side front and one sleeve in one night. The next night I found I was running out of yarn. I took a few rows off the back and front sides (to make it more like a baby shrug than a full sweater) to finish the last sleeve. (I even made the sleeves a little shorter than what the pattern called for.) On the third day I put it together. So it's done! Note to self: bring the sweater to work tomorrow so I can have her try it on and see how it fits. So now I'm back working on the ombre sweater. I finished the back and one side front. I'm not sure how that's going to work so I'm going to make the sleeves next. Got a good start on one last night. I'm doing pretty good on the consignment stitching piece too. I worked a little on the border last night. I got the next model in the mail too. It's a monochrome one with cross stitch and straight stitch. So far I'm liking it and when it's done it'll be beautiful! If I could get it done before Christmas that would be fantastic. It would give me some Christmas shopping money. Honestly I have no idea what to shop for. I've been in wedding mode for so long that I can hardly think about it. But I digress. I'm still waiting for another project to come in the mail. I'm guessing it will be here by this weekend. If it's not, I'm not guaranteeing that it will be done when they want it. They contacted me just after the beginning of the month so I thought I would have 3 months to work on it. If they don't get it to me until the first of November (or later) then I only have 2 months to work on it. Not cool.
wow! I wish i had your talent. I've always admired people that could crochet and knit. what's the difference by the way? Happy New Year to you.
Dee, at 8:13 AM
Crochet is done with a single hook. Knitting is done with two needles. The pattern made with the single hook looks different than what you do with the two needles.
Susan, at 1:54 PM
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