Something to be excited about - part 2
This is my Ink Spot.
If you're interested in the Yahoo group search for "InkCirclesSALs" and click "Join this Group". It's been lovely to get the newest parts for BoInk from the group when sometimes the website is too crowded. Plus all the progress pics of everyone's BoInk's is wonderful!
New stuff to be excited about:
Model stitching - over the weekend I was able to hit a milestone in the model that I'm stitching! Of course I can't give specific details away, let's just say there are 6 creatures and a saying. I finished the 4th creature yesterday. There are 2 creatures and 6 words left to go. Think I can finish in 6 weeks? Yes, my deadline is the beginning of April. I'm putting most of my other projects on hold, for the most part, until I get this finished. Which means I put most of my time in on this project and when I get a certain amount completed and need a break I switch to something else.
New project - the "new guy" had asked me if I would stitch something for him. I asked him what he was interested in and he said tall ships. So I did a little research and found the booklet of 4 ships by Stoney Creek. I'll be checking the lns for it next weekend. Then I showed him the Subversive Cross Stitch book. He had a good chuckle and picked one out! I got home last night and kitted it up right away. Thank goodness for small cuts of fabric and plenty of DMC! lol I changed up a few of the colors but I think it's going to look great.
Bookmark - I'm on my second bookmark for Literacy. This one is a very simple dragonfly design with no border. I'm stitching it on fabric and finishing it myself and I'm not sure yet how I'm going to do that. I guess I'll figure it out when I get done with the dragonflies.
And speaking of bookmarks, there's a contest at Nordic Needle to design your own bookmark. I think I'm going to hop onto that bandwagon. I've got a couple of ideas brewing. We'll see how it goes.
What about TW's Tradewinds?
Holly, at 6:59 PM
That's one I don't think I have!?!
Susan, at 3:16 PM
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