I stitched more on Castle Ridge, How Does Your Garden Grow, Book of Ink Circles, Fantasy/Magic exchange and TW 2nd day ornament.
Let's start with TW 2nd day ornament - I finished up the inner border and put one color in of the over 1.
Fantasy/Magic exchange - the border is complete. I still have to find a couple of the colors that I need, but I'm stitching with what I have. It's a little difficult using a chart from a hard-bound book, not to mention a color chart.
Book of Ink Circles - the black border is complete around the first box. The black border is complete around the first (top middle) knot. I worked the green over to the knot and put in the red there too. I can't wait until the next part is released tomorrow. I'm considering putting this on a smaller set of q-snaps and taking this with me to work on in Hawaii.
How Does Your Garden Grow - I'm almost done with part 3. I had to frog a bit to get this part right. The first way I chose to do this didn't work so I fixed it. I think it looks really good. I'm waiting for Part 4 to take to Hawaii. (I want to take at least two projects.) Note to self: Get out the Clover cutter for the trip!
Castle Ridge - a little more done on the castle and a little more done in the rocks area. Also did a little in the clouds. Taking my time with it now that it's at least 75% complete. Also started the backstitching.
I'm happy with the progress and there won't be much more done this week. There may be some tonight, but first I have to pick up my truck from the shop then I will test it out by going to run an errand. I need to do a framing job for a friend that I'm putting off only because of this trip and because the frame I bought was munched, but I didn't see it when I initially bought it. I also need to get the foam core for that too. Tomorrow I'm taking my daughter and getting our nails done. I also need to go get some cash out of the savings and finish packing.
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